Other Services
While your vehicle is in our care...
As you would expect we have the skills to virtually build a car from scratch. So, it should come as no surprise that we can offer lots of other services too. From Air-con refills to wheel refurbishment, we can ensure that your pride and joy leaves the workshop in tiptop condition.
Air-Con Gas Recharge

We can recharge your air con gas, please ask us if this is something you are interested in.
Alloy Scuff Repairs

Alloy wheels can be easily scratched and scuffed. Let us know if you would like a quote to repair them.
Panel Repair

While your car is in our care, we will be pleased to quote for non-insurance body repair work.

Scuffed bumpers need skilled hands, simply ask our Customer Service Team for a price.

We would be happy to give you a quote if you are interested.